Sunday, May 29, 2005


Was suppose to meet Chang yesterday (Saturday). I arranged for us to meet at 11am @ Sim Lim Sq to register for our temp job. I sms him the day before and he agreed to the meeting time. Friday evening, Chang went out drinking with some friends.

Saturday morning, at 11am, I called Chang and he was still in bed! He expected me to pity with him because he slept at 6am that morning. Why did he slept so late/early? Because he was having a good time outside with his friends the night before.

Chang disappointed me, he's such a irresponsible boy. He agreed to the meeting time and location, being a grown up, he's ought to plan his own time and schedules. I don't give a damn whether he slept at 6am, 7am or don't sleep at all, I don't care where was he the night before. He agreed to meet, he's ought to be out before 11am. What made matters worst was he expected me to pity his puny ass because he slept at 6am. What an IDIOT! He's no MAn... He's just a boy, a boy whom had not grown up to learn the rules of this ruthless, capitalist world... Chang, if you're reading, I really hope you understood what's wrong and do your neccessary adjustments.

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