Saturday, March 17, 2007

Return me my PEACE on TRAIN!

One Friday morning, took train at 10am to go school at the other end of the line. I'm expecting a peaceful train ride all the way and bought 2 sets of papers (ST & TNP). I was looking forward to read the papers and relax in a quiet, cool air con cabin for the next hour.

I reached the platform and was quite surprised by the crowd. But somehow, I still managed to find a seat in the last cabin. Put my bag down and took out my papers to scan the headlines.

A while later, reach Tanah Merah... A group of 5 dark blue skirt, white shirt JC girls came on. Super noisy... squeaking at each other in high pitches. Dunnoe so excited over what? All the way squeaking and behaving like monkeys on the train.

Then reach city hall, suddenly one of them started giving everyone hugs and kisses on their cheeks. I though :"TSK!! Act ang moh! But, anyway... They are dropping off and returning me my PEACE! YEAH! "

The doors open and they became more excited... and SIT DOWN...
Carry on squeaking and yanking away like their kitchen.
WAH LAN EH!! Go away leh!!

Outram park... more monkeys join in and the noise got worse!

Buona Vista... Finally, they happily stand up... tidy up their white shirt and dark blue skirt, and noisily annouce their departure from the cabin...

Finally~!! PEACE!

2 stops later.... Clementi...

I thought I heard Aerosmith?
I look up... yeap... A Mat Rock blasting Aerosmith's “I dun wanna miss a thing” on his hp in his right hand and his minah by his left...


and the 2 of them park their asses RIGHT BESIDE ME and start their karaoke session...
They only know how to sing the chorus part lor…

From Clementi to Lakeside, they repeated this song countless times... and every chorus, they happily karaoke... (I think mat rock got no money to expand his hp memory, or maybe he's stupid, dunnoe how to upload other songs, that's why he can only repeat this...)

Lakeside to Boon Lay... finally peace on earth...
In the end, I only left with 1 station of peace to read my papers.

Wonder if SMRT will introduce the quiet cabin like HK or Japan? I really wish they do so and I can read travel in peace...

My new week resolution? PEACE IN TRAINS! (HANAH! I very Himbo lah!! )

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